Choose Contract Electronic Manufacturing Services for Printed Circuit Boards

by corrivera1989

For those looking for contract electronic manufacturing services, a customer should choose a company that has a long-standing history of offering assembly services. This company should also offer circuit board inspection, circuit board assembly, circuit board testing, and circuit board box building.

contract electronic manufacturing services

This company may have a large facility that’s at least 15,000 square feet in size where it can produce contract manufacturing on-site. Customers can possibly expect such specializations from this company as thru-hole technology, mixed technology, and surface mount technology. All products can come either lead-free or leaded depending on the preferences of the customer. A company like this may offer fair prices that beat out the other competition as well as finish all products with automated selective soldering, conformal coating, and automated optical inspection.

When a customer places a printed circuit board order, they know that they’re in good hands with this company. Such an organization may work with other offshore companies in order to produce printed circuit boards quickly and efficiently. A customer can generally expect to receive a pricing quote in at least a day and 48 hours at the most. They will receive a prototype printed circuit board in at least a week but sometimes up to 10 days maximum. Once a customer approves of that prototype, they should receive a finished board that’s ready to use between three and four weeks.

contract electronic manufacturing services

Companies like these also produce their own printed circuit boards with a flexible design, soldering that’s either lead-free or leaded, and with a single layer or up to 30. These boards meet all standards and regulations so that they’re absolutely safe for the customer to use.

contract electronic manufacturing services

For a customer that wants to get started today, they can contact a company like this in a number of ways. They can visit the actual facility if they live in Pennsylvania, or they can contact the company’s leadership team, including its CEO and president, its plant manager of quality assurance, and its director of operations and purchasing. If the customer prefers, they can also email any of these parties.

When a customer contacts a company that offers contract electronic manufacturing services about quotes or inquiries, they should expect to hear back quickly to forge ahead with placing an order. Once the customer decides to work with a company like this, they will probably do repeat business in the future.